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Amok - PC Dos - Ordinateur Microsoft
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Continent Américain
   USA Amok
Europe Amok
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Shooter / Vehicle, TPV
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Regions Information Proposed by
USA 31/10/1996
Europe 1996
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Allemand Auf dem Planeten Amok ging der große Krieg nach 47 Jahren des Konflikts zwischen den Mega-Konzernen, die den Planeten kontrollierten, zu Ende. Die beiden größten Konzerne unterzeichneten schließlich einen Friedensvertrag. N.O.N.L.U.N. musste sich beugen und die Macht an A.Z.T.K. abgeben.
Während die Bevölkerung das Ende der Kämpfe begrüßte, war dies beim Bureau ganz und gar nicht der Fall. Das Büro rekrutiert Sie, Gert Staun, einen der wenigen Söldner, die ihr Leben in diesem Konflikt verbracht haben. Ihre Aufgabe ist einfach: Sie sollen die Macht von A.Z.T.K. untergraben, um das Kräftegleichgewicht wiederherzustellen, damit die N.O.N.L.U.N. wieder in den Kampf ziehen kann. Zu diesem Zweck werden Ihnen verschiedene Missionen anvertraut, die Sie in Ihrem Walker, einem zweibeinigen Kampffahrzeug, das Sie stark modifiziert und überbewaffnet haben, ausführen müssen.
Anglais Amok portrays a futuristic storyline on a planet which is identified in the manual as having the same name. There, two gigantic corporations, referred to by the acronyms NONLUN and AZTK, had previously been having an all-out war between them for forty-seven years. The war had involved all possible fronts and theaters, including operations in the air, on the surface of the land and sea, and beneath the water. Very recently, a weak peace accord had only just been reached. In the manual, the peace accord is described as being much like ''a blanket covering the fire that smolders in the hearts of the people.'' The agreement is sufficiently unsteady that an influential mercenary company, known only as ''the Bureau,'' has now decided to hire a capable battle walker pilot named Gert Staun to restart the war so they can continue to make large amounts of money by taking lucrative contracts from both sides. The player takes the role of Gert Staun.

Naturally ''the Bureau'' has placed a high priority on this, and they are funding it entirely on their own. Indeed, Gert Staun's battle walker, called the ''Slambird'' is explicitly said to be custom-modified. In particular, the Slambird can not only survive either on land or underwater, but it can transition between the two -- it can move, fight, and safely control its vertical position in either environment. These abilities are portrayed as costly and not standard to such vehicles in the universe where Amok takes place. The transformation of the Slambird between an underwater vehicle and a land vehicle is automatically scripted, however. The player has no power to control this transformation or alter the time when it happens. Instead, the player must get to the point when Staun will automatically bring the Slambird ashore to continue his attacks.

The object of this arcade-type game is to meet a series of objectives, and to do so in such a way that each side will blame the other. The game has a linear structure, based on levels that present tasks of increasing difficulty, and all sorts of hazards and targets are encountered. These include military bases, power generators, land mines, infantry, tanks, submarines -- even sharks and huge, aggressive birds. Infantry elements are poorly armored, so they can be killed by being run over. In one mission, the only way that the player will be able to get enough time to escape is to open with a surprise attack, slowing pursuit by destroying a parking facility full of unattended troop transport vehicles. Power-ups are scattered throughout the levels. The Slambird carries a variety of explosive devices and line-of-sight weapons. Some of the explosive weapons can bounce in a parabolic trajectory, and in addition there are two laser cannons that can fire rapidly an unlimited number of times. These cannons are useful in case no other weapons remain, and they can be used to create complex ripple fire, which can be used to cover an area that is surprisingly wide. When underwater, propellers are used, while torpedoes are automatically used instead of missiles.
Espagnol En el planeta Amok, la Gran Guerra está llegando a su fin tras 47 años de conflicto entre las megacorporaciones que controlaban el planeta. Las dos mayores corporaciones firmaron finalmente un tratado de paz. N.O.N.L.U.N. tuvo que retirarse y ceder el poder a A.Z.T.K.
Mientras que la gente estaba contenta de que la lucha había terminado, el "Bureau" no lo estaba. Así que el "Bureau" te recluta a ti, Gert Staun, uno de los pocos mercenarios que ha pasado su vida en este conflicto. Tu tarea es sencilla: socavar el poder de A.Z.T.K. para restablecer el equilibrio de poder, de modo que N.O.N.L.U.N. pueda volver a la lucha. Para ello, se te asignan una serie de misiones que debes completar a bordo de tu Walker, un vehículo de combate bípedo que has modificado ampliamente y sobrearmado.
Français Sur la planète Amok, la grande guerre s'achève après 47 ans de conflits entre les méga-corporations qui contrôlaient la planète. Les deux plus grandes corporations ont fini par signer un traité de paix.
En effet après plusieurs défaites consécutives, la N.O.N.L.U.N. a dû s'incliner et laisser le pouvoir à l'A.Z.T.K.
Si les populations ont apprécié la fin des combats, ce n'est pas du tout le cas du Bureau, une des nombreuses agences fournissant des mercenaires aux belligérants, qui voit avec la fin du conflit sa principale source de revenu disparaître.
Le Bureau vous recrute donc vous, Gert Staun, un des rares mercenaires à avoir passé sa vie dans ce conflit. Votre tâche est simple : saper le pouvoir de l'A.Z.T.K pour ré-équilibrer les forces en présence, afin que la N.O.N.L.U.N puisse reprendre le combat. Pour cela, on vous confie plusieurs missions que vous devrez mener à bien à bord de votre Walker, un véhicule de combat bipède que vous avez largement modifié et sur-armé.
Vous évoluerez donc dans 4 environnements différents, des fonds marins à la base de l'A.Z.T.K en passant par les égouts et les "wastelands".
Italien Sul pianeta Amok, la Grande Guerra sta volgendo al termine dopo 47 anni di conflitto tra le mega-corporazioni che controllavano il pianeta. Le due maggiori corporazioni hanno finalmente firmato un trattato di pace. La N.O.N.L.U.N. ha dovuto ritirarsi e cedere il potere alla A.Z.T.K.
Mentre la popolazione era contenta della fine dei combattimenti, il Bureau non lo era. Così il Bureau recluta te, Gert Staun, uno dei pochi mercenari che ha speso la sua vita in questo conflitto. Il vostro compito è semplice: minare il potere di A.Z.T.K. per ristabilire l'equilibrio di potere, in modo che la N.O.N.L.U.N. possa tornare a combattere. Per farlo, vi vengono assegnate una serie di missioni da completare a bordo del vostro Walker, un veicolo da combattimento bipede che avete ampiamente modificato e sovra-armato.
Portugais No planeta Amok, a Grande Guerra está a chegar ao fim após 47 anos de conflito entre as megacorporações que controlavam o planeta. As duas maiores corporações assinaram finalmente um tratado de paz. A N.O.N.L.U.N. teve de se demitir e entregar o poder à A.Z.T.K.
Enquanto o povo estava satisfeito com o fim da luta, o FBI não estava. Assim, o Bureau recruta-te a ti, Gert Staun, um dos poucos mercenários que passou a vida neste conflito. A tua tarefa é simples: minar o poder de A.Z.T.K. para restabelecer o equilíbrio de forças, de modo a que a N.O.N.L.U.N. possa voltar à luta. Para isso, é-te dada uma série de missões a cumprir a bordo do teu Walker, um veículo de combate bípede que modificaste extensivamente e que foi sobre-armado.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .